You’ve probably heard the term “self-care” and already do things to take care of yourself. Sometimes we just need a few new ideas of things to try to shift our mood or improve our well-being. Here’s a list from my therapist toolbox of some silly, unique, and fun ways to practice self-care. Whether you have a moment or an hour, I hope these ideas are helpful for you today. You are important.
The Top 25 Most Unique Self-Care Ideas You’ve Read Today
- Learn a random skill on YouTube- like how to fold fancy napkins or whistle with your fingers.
- Make a gratitude list– using emojis only – 🌟🍕🎵🐶🛌.
- Rearrange the furniture in your bedroom or another room of your home. A fun project that can shift how you feel in your space.
- Draw a self-portrait with your non-dominant hand. Embrace the hilarity of the result!
- Create a vision board of your wildest dreams. For an added challenge, use only pictures of animals or nature.
- Write a list of your top 5 favorite smells– and try to smell one of them today.
- Host a dance party with yourself! Put on your favorite songs and dance as wildly as you can for 10 minutes.
- Find funny skits, comedians, or movie clips online (Saturday Night Live, anyone?) and see if you get yourself giggling (LOL).
- Talk to yourself in a funny voice or accent. Maybe like a pirate? Or a British bloke?
- Sing to your plants or tell them a funny story.
- Try a “backward day.” Have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. Eat dessert first. Flip things around in your day and see what feels different.
- Give a compliment to a stranger- positivity is contagious!
- Create new playlists- Make a playlist of songs that make you feel unstoppable and blast it for a confidence boost session.
- Write a list of things that you’ve never tried but want to! Circle one to attempt this week.
- Draw a picture of your “stress monster” or something that is bothering you. Then rip it up and throw it away (bye-bye, stress!).
- Bake cookies shaped like random objects- who says a cookie can’t look like a lightbulb or a cactus?
- Draft a breakup letter to a bad habit. Say goodbye with flair and closure. Bonus points if you mail it, too!
- Decorate your bathroom mirror with positive affirmations and cheerful doodles.
- Start a “bad art” journal – create things that are purposefully imperfect.
- Make a list of things you are grateful that DIDN’T happen today. For example, “I’m glad I didn’t spill coffee on my shirt!”
- Have a bubble-popping session. Grab some bubble wrap and pop to your heart’s content!
- Wear your silliest and most fun pair of socks. Maybe build a whole outfit around them. Self-care can totally include dino socks.
- Invent a new smoothie by trying new flavors or fruit and veggie combinations. Serve it in a fancy glass or with a fun straw or garnish. Get some inspiration here.
- Make a vision board for fun, not goals. Create one filled with random things that make you smile- like a baby chick wearing sunglasses, glitter, or a beautiful sunset.
- Craft a “Silly Fortune Cookie” Jar. Write silly, encouraging, or random fortunes and slip them into a jar. Whenever you need a pick-me-up, pull one out and see what it says- like, “Your next adventure involves a banana, a rubber band, and an umbrella. Keep your eyes peeled!”
Just Try It!
Self-care doesn’t have to be just massages or bubble baths. The most important thing is to try new ways that help you take care of yourself. Don’t be afraid to be silly or try something that seems strange at first. You might be surprised at what you like and what shifts your mood or mindset. When you find things that work, add them to your toolbox. When you find things you don’t like, just let them go. Be brave and have fun.
For more like this, check out my blog here.

Megan Vogels, MA, LPC, NCC is a Licensed Professional Counselor and National Board Certified Counselor in private practice in Denver, Colorado. And also grateful for any day that she doesn’t spill her coffee.